TRIO Project Multiplier Event Held in Iasi, Romania

On June 25, 2024, the Palas Conference Hall in Iasi, Romania, hosted the TRIO Multiplier Event, organized by BOKtech. The event aimed to share the outcomes of the TRIO Erasmus+ project, which focuses on improving digital, health, and data literacy among adults in Romania.

The event saw an attendance of 34 participants, including 14 males and 20 females, representing diverse age groups and educational backgrounds. Preparations for the event began over two months in advance, with invitations disseminated through social media, the BOKtech website, and an email campaign targeting over 35 stakeholders from various fields.

Key components of the TRIO project were showcased during the presentations, including the educational platform, TRIO newsletter, training toolkit, and Green Paper for policymakers. Participant feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with an average satisfaction score of 9.9 out of 10. The need for digital and data literacy in the healthcare sector and the importance of national awareness campaigns were highlighted during the discussions.

The TRIO Multiplier Event was a success, engaging participants and fostering valuable discussions on enhancing digital, health, and data literacy in Romania.