INESC TEC coordinates the TRIO project and will contribute to all project results. They will contribute with desk search, stakeholder consultation, peer-review and translations for all PRs, dividing the work with SHINE in all country contributions.
They will lead PR2: Educational Platform TRIO. In PR3 they will contribute to all tasks, focusing on making the toolkit content available in the website features. INESC TEC will host transnational meeting M1 (kick-off meeting), the international multiplier event and support SHINE in the national multiplier event, and will work closely with all other partners and their Associated Partners and other stakeholders to co-create and test the PR1 Manual, as well as the training toolkit (PR3) and the policy recommendations (PR4). INESC TEC will also coordinate local stakeholder workshops associated with other PRs and lead all management issues.
SHINE will lead PR4: Recommendations for policy-makers and be the Sharing and Promotion Manager. They will also strongly support the platform development in PR2 and contribute to all other project results, sharing the Portuguese contributions with INESC TEC. SHINE will also coordinate and host transnational meeting M5, and the national multiplier event in Portugal.
AFEdemy will coordinate PR1: Manual on digital, health and data literacy and co-lead and support SHINE in PR4. They will be in charge of all consultation, desk search and translation tasks in the Netherlands; host the second transnational meeting and a multiplier event. AFEdemy will also contribute to all other outputs, including local stakeholder workshops and testing.
BOKtech is the partner that will lead all of the Romanian events, desk search and consultation and will have a strong role in co-leading and supporting PR1, namely contributing to the data literacy contents of the Manual and PR2 in the human-computer interaction of the platform. They will contribute to all Project Results, including coordination of local stakeholder workshops associated with other PRs and will host a local multiplier multiplier event.
CETEM will co-lead and support PR3 and be the Quality and Risk Managers. They will also contribute to all other project results, coordinate and host transnational meeting M3, and the multiplier event in Spain, being also the Spanish leaders of all consultation and testing actions in the country.
ISIS will lead PR3: Toolkit for professionals and workshop methodology and support CETEM in quality and risks management. ISIS will contribute with desk search, stakeholder consultation, peer-review and translations for all PRs, being the German contributor and host of transnational meeting M4 and multiplier event in Frankfurt.