Adult education on digital, health and data literacy for citizen empowerment
The TRIO project aims to develop a concerted upskilling pathway to improve health, digital and data literacy of adults at all ages, promoting adult education through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity.
Over the next two years, TRIO will develop a modular approach with a manual, a curriculum and a complete toolkit for adult educators, supported by a digital learning platform that ensures adaptation to the changing needs of users, technology and context. TRIO will also develop a Green Paper to be delivered to policy makers and relevant European Initiatives.
In an effort to test the TRIO project’s platform and workshop content, two small workshops were recently conducted in Frankfurt’s Ökohaus engaging …
In April 2022, the TRIO project was introduced at the kickoff meeting of the VR2CARE project in Vila Real. Both projects, sharing …
The paper titled “Participatory Design as a Co-Creation Methodology for Health Literacy Games: The Case of the TRIO Project” has been accepted …
The TRIO project is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus + KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education programme under grant agreement no. KA220-ADU-000033817.
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