TRIO Platform Presented at 2024 Citizen Science U. Porto: Citizen Science for Psychological Wellbeing 2º edition

An important international training course, coordinated by the University of Porto with support from the Erasmus Blended Intensive Program (BIP), recently addressed two significant scientific and social challenges. The course aimed to bridge the gap between psychological science and other disciplines, including technology, social sciences, communication, design, and creative processes. It also focused on the critical need for citizen and end-user engagement in science, prioritization, and co-design of interventions.

As part of this initiative, the TRIO platform was presented and tested. The TRIO platform exemplifies an innovative approach to addressing these challenges by integrating interdisciplinary insights and user feedback into its design and functionality. This presentation highlighted how the platform responds to the growing need for effective, user-centered solutions in promoting psychological well-being and facilitating collaboration across various fields.

The training course provided a valuable opportunity for participants to engage with the TRIO platform, explore its features, and contribute to its further development. The feedback received will help refine the platform and enhance its impact in meeting the outlined challenges.