TRIO Featured at iKnowledge Forum of Technology Centers

From October 3rd to 5th, 2022, CETEM participated in a prominent round table discussion during the iKnowledge Forum of Technology Centers, held at the Congress Centre El Batel in Cartagena, Spain. The forum brought together technology centers from across Europe and beyond to explore opportunities and challenges related to smart and connected devices.

During the round table, the discussion centered on the evolving landscape of digital and data literacies, emphasizing their critical role in equipping society with the necessary tools for navigating technological advancements. The importance of these literacies was highlighted as a key component in ensuring that individuals can effectively engage with and benefit from emerging technologies.

The TRIO project was mentioned during the discussion, with a focus on its objectives and main results. The project’s efforts to advance digital and data literacy were recognized as vital contributions to addressing the challenges identified in the forum.

The iKnowledge Forum provided an invaluable platform for networking and knowledge exchange among technology centers, featuring renowned speakers who presented the latest developments and technology trends. The event underscored the global relevance of the issues discussed and the ongoing need for innovative solutions in the field of technology and education.