Introducing the TRIO Manual: Empowering Citizens with Digital, Health, and Data Literacy

In many European countries, health services are increasingly being digitalized to improve data exchange, enhance services, empower patients, and alleviate the overcrowded healthcare system. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated this digital transformation. To keep pace with these advancements, it is now necessary to possess a certain level of digital, health, and data literacy skills, such as finding reliable health information online, operating health applications, comparing healthcare insurance offers, and understanding data privacy regulations.

Recognizing that these skills can be challenging to learn, the Erasmus+ project “TRIO – Adult Education on Digital, Health, and Data Literacy for Citizen Empowerment” aims to improve the digital, health, and data skills of adults of all ages. This is achieved through the development of a comprehensive manual, an online learning platform, a toolkit for adult educators, and a Green Paper for policymakers and relevant European initiatives. These resources will be available in six languages: English, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.

The TRIO Manual serves as a reference guide for citizens, educators, and policymakers, helping users navigate the complex landscape of digital health services. It contains information on how the healthcare system operates, identifies common challenges, and suggests actions to enhance skill levels. The manual also includes helpful website links, examples of good practices, and available educational programs. With the aid of these tools, individuals will be able to improve their digital, health, and data skills, and assist others in doing the same.

You are invited to explore this comprehensive manual and utilize its resources to enhance your understanding and capabilities in the realm of digital health services. Check it in our results page.