Introducing the TRIO Trainer Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide for Adult Education

The TRIO Trainer Toolkit has been developed to provide a detailed guide to the methodology that can be creatively and engagingly used in adult education. This trainer’s guide includes various materials from which the most appropriate and relevant elements for workshops can be chosen.

Structured on the ‘a la carte’ principle, the TRIO Trainer Manual enables workshops to be offered to different target groups with varying interests and knowledge levels, adaptable to specific contexts. It is recommended that the knowledge level and learning preferences of workshop participants be investigated in advance.

The TRIO learning platform offers a range of resources tailored for independent learner use. Additionally, four integrated versions of learning elements are accessible for direct use, aligning with the specific needs of workshop groups. The workshop concept is designed to deepen content understanding and create opportunities for direct exchange with learners, thereby strengthening their digital, health, and data skills.

Given the increased importance of digital learning methods during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chapter 4 provides an overview of established digital tools that can be used with TRIO workshop participants.

You are invited to explore this comprehensive toolkit and utilize its resources to deliver impactful and engaging educational experiences. Check it in our results page.